Discover the Kikka

-Benefits of using the Kikka Active Chair

Exercises to perform on the Kikka


How to sit properly: Positive Posture



Le sedie con palla fitness Kikka Active Chair rappresentano una soluzione innovativa per coloro che desiderano unire il comfort di una sedia tradizionale con i benefici per la salute di una palla da ginnastica. Queste sedie sono diventate sempre più popolari negli ultimi anni grazie alla loro versatilità e ai numerosi benefici che offrono.


Some verifiable testimonials from our customers and professionals who use and recommend the Kikka Active Chair.


Here are the benefits of using the Kikka Active Chair at home or in the office.


"Positive Posture" is the right way to sit (not only on the Active Chair). Make sure you are sitting on the ball's centre, with your back straight and your feet...


The Kikka Active Chair can also be used to perform stretching and toning exercises, both at home or in the office.